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Facility management: We are your partner for holistic building optimization

Facility Management

So that you have more time for your core business: Our facility management takes care of the maintenance and management of your buildings and facilities. With an expert team and modern technology, we continuously optimize building processes to improve efficiency and permanently reduce management costs.

Certified quality

We are at your side: we are there for more than just maintenance and building care

Our in-house technical service has specialist expertise throughout Germany. We continuously and holistically optimize building processes to ensure that the value of your property is safeguarded and to sustainably improve profitability. We consistently focus on digitalization and technology. We also offer a 24/7 on-call service through our certified NSL.


Smooth building operation

The flawless functioning of building technology is crucial for the trouble-free operation of buildings.


Optimal conditions for your core business

We take care of the smooth processes in the background so that you can concentrate fully on your core business.


Digital solutions that impress

From sensor technology and robotics to the Internet of Things (IoT) – we are happy to advise you


Every day, at any time

We take care of your building operations, day and night. We are available at all times in the event of unforeseen circumstances

Facility Management: Services at a glance

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Area management

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Technical facility management

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Interior fittings

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Facility Services

Facility Services: Caring employees, efficient repairs & transparent communication Our competent employees are present in your property as friendly contacts. We monitor technical systems and take immediate action in the event of faults. We carefully carry out both...

Satisfied customers

Our locations: We are represented nationwide with our branches

We take over the management and support of your real estate and technical facilities and offer you a wide range of facility services to support your core business. With a team of over 1500 employees, we are always at your disposal, exactly where you need us.

Facility Management – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What is property management?

Property management, also known as facility management, includes both the administration and management of facilities, buildings or equipment. It describes the process of optimizing the design and management of materials and services relating to a company’s buildings, facilities and equipment.

What is integrated facility management?

Integrated facility management is a process for the optimal design and control of material and services relating to a company’s buildings, facilities and equipment. It includes the administration and management of buildings and their technical equipment and facilities.

What are the tasks of a facility manager?

The tasks of a facility manager typically include

  • and management of projects, including maintenance, refurbishment, conversion and technical optimization.
  • Administration in the facility infrastructure area, which includes the management of building plans, documentation of inspection reports, fleet management, insurance and the like.

Is a facility manager the same as a janitor?

No. Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, the range of tasks of a facility manager encompasses much more than that of a janitor. While a facility manager is responsible for general management and primarily carries out administrative and commercial activities, such as planning and assigning work packages, a janitor works at the operational level and mainly carries out executive activities.

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