Access control: property protection through controlled access
Entrances are sensitive areas and often the first impression for guests, customers and colleagues.
This is where sensitivity and a secure appearance are crucial.
CIBORIUS has extensive experience in access control, people management and visitor guidance.
Our services are in demand in justice centers, banks, stock exchanges, logistics centers and data centers – wherever security is a top priority.
We ensure regulated access
Friendly, determined, assertive – our trained security staff ensure that a regulated and pleasant atmosphere prevails at entrances.
If you have special requirements for our staff, we will be happy to meet them.
Our employees are trained beyond the industry standard.
We prove this with numerous certificates and regular audits of our strict quality management.
Range of access control services
- Access control and access regulation
- All security services and security technology from a single source
- Enforcement of rules in waiting and control situations
- Advice, planning and service
- Connection to our VdS-certified emergency call and service control center
Would you like to know how access control can make your company more secure?
Our experts will be happy to provide you with non-binding advice on access control and access systems.
Access control: Secure access with precision
At CIBORIUS, we offer customized access control solutions that are guaranteed by state-of-the-art technology and individual concepts.
We rely on a combination of specialist personnel and state-of-the-art security technology to ensure that only authorized persons are granted access to sensitive areas.
Our services include comprehensive advice, detailed planning, precise installation and regular maintenance of all components.
Access control – FAQ: Frequently asked questions
Which technologies support access control?
Technologies such as electronic locks, RFID cards, biometric systems, PIN codes and access control software support access control. Robotic systems such as reception robots with scanning functions can also be used in this area. These technologies enable secure and efficient access control.
Who carries out access controls?
Access controls are carried out by trained security personnel and specialized security companies. These specialists have the necessary expertise and equipment to ensure professional access control.
What are the advantages of access control?
Access controls offer benefits such as increased security, protection against unauthorized access, simple management of access rights and logging of access events. They enable effective and secure access control.
Why are access controls important?
Access controls are important to ensure security, prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive areas. They contribute to the overall security strategy and ensure the protection of people and property.
What is access control?
Access controls include measures to control and monitor access to buildings, areas or events. These include access control systems, security checks and the verification of authorizations.
Which technologies / systems are used for access control?
In addition to the individual, analogue checking of personal documents / authorisations by employees, biometric methods such as fingerprint and facial recognition, as well as RFID cards, PIN codes and smart cards assigned to individuals are used for automatic access control systems, such as crossing barriers, opening doors, etc.
What are the advantages of access control?
Efficient access control improves security, minimises the risk of unauthorised access, protects resources and ensures targeted protection of sensitive areas. This means that only authorised persons subject to clear regulations may enter defined premises.
Flexible and responsive: secure access control with a nationwide presence
With our nationwide presence, we are able to react quickly and flexibly to your individual requirements.
We use state-of-the-art technology and customized concepts to ensure controlled access.
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