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Airport services


Ihr zuverlässiger Partner

Integral & sustainable complete solutions for airports and airlines

Whether transporting people or goods, airport operators, airlines and airlogistics are competing fiercely for passengers and orders. It is therefore absolutely crucial that ground staff are available in sufficient numbers and are of the right quality to ensure that flight operations run smoothly and smartly.

As a modern service provider, the CIBORIUS Group offers all the necessary services from a single source. Airports and airlines particularly appreciate working with a strong partner who has experience in the aviation sector and focuses on integral, sustainable complete solutions.

Modern aviation services from a single source

Luggage service
We are experts in luggage services and offer everything from A for securing to Z for delivery. Our staff are quick, hard-working and particularly reliable. We guarantee on-time processing and also take care of the successful retrieval of lost luggage.

Check-in services
The check-in is THE first contact with the guest. This is where the all-important first look is created and a personal image of the airport and its service strength is formed in the customer’s mind. This makes it all the more important to score points here.

From a friendly smile to a friendly “Have a good flight!”, we therefore rely on our human strengths. Empathetic, open, helpful and strong communicators, we take care of all check-in processes, help passengers find their way around and also listen to individual issues.

Cleaning airports and aircraft
Cleanliness is considered one of Germany’s core virtues. But it’s not just about the right appearance, occupational health and safety and, of course, health aspects also mean that all work areas, common areas, sanitary facilities, business and reception areas etc. must be thoroughly and regularly cleaned and checked and always be in perfect condition.

CIBORIUS personnel, who provide their services directly on board the aircraft, are particularly agile, pay attention to detail and are trained on site to be even more efficient in every cleaning process. So you and we are equally sure that your next flight will be a brilliant experience.

General tasks
In every complex property, there are various tasks that either do not have to be carried out all the time or only at defined points. Personnel deployed for this purpose must therefore be skillful and adaptable, without losing track of things. The CIBORIUS Group can utilize all-round talents nationwide who can quickly familiarize themselves with the range of tasks and act independently.

Would you like to find out more about our aviation services?

Our team will provide you with comprehensive advice. We will be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer tailored to your specific requirements. Talk to us.

Aviation-Services – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

How do airlines and airport operators benefit from CIBORIUS Aviation Services?

Companies benefit not only from increased security, but also from comprehensive services that optimise the entire airport operation and make it more efficient. The integral approach, the classic “from a single source”, optimises communication channels, reduces costs and ensures smooth, problem-free daily routines.

How is the safety of passengers and airport staff guaranteed?

In addition to comprehensive training for security personnel, CIBORIUS uses state-of-the-art technologies to optimise security checks. At the same time, non-security-related services also play a role in ensuring that airport operations run smoothly. CIBORIUS attaches great importance to compliance with international safety standards in all airport operations.

Our locations:

CIBORIUS is represented throughout Germany, as we have several branches throughout the country and can offer aviation services nationwide. Our regional teams ensure that your specific needs are met locally. You can rely on our nationwide presence for a uniform and high-quality service.

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Finden Sie heraus, wie wir gemeinsam das Wort Sicherheit neu definieren. Mit unserer professionellen Beratung erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten ein Sicherheitskonzept, das individuell an Sie angepasst ist. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!

Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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