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Property protection of the CIBORIUS Group

No chance for fire: fire protection prevents damage.

Fire & Safety: Prevent damage with preventive fire protection

Fires often have devastating consequences.
People can be harmed and objects and property can be destroyed.
Many of the fires in Germany and the associated economic consequences are preventable.
Preventive fire protection that recognizes and eliminates sources of danger is important.
Together with our customers, CIBORIUS develops concepts to improve the situation in the building and throughout the entire facility.

CIBORIUS specialists recognize sources of danger with pinpoint accuracy

Your perfect CIBORIUS security network includes a customized fire protection report.
We prepare this together with you for your company or facility.
This report forms the basis for all further measures – from the installation of fire protection systems and structural adaptations to the installation and maintenance of fire protection systems.

Our fire protection services

  • Preparation of fire protection reports
  • Planning and installation of fire protection elements
  • Installation and maintenance of fire protection systems
  • Establishment of plant fire departments
  • Establishment of rescue services in the company

NSL video: Security around the clock

We offer fire protection solutions for your company!

Our fire protection solutions offer comprehensive protection against fires.
We protect your buildings and assets with professional advice and state-of-the-art technology.
Put your trust in our many years of experience.

Fire & Safety Service: expertise in fire protection

Our security management combines personnel services with state-of-the-art technology in preventive and defensive fire protection.
CIBORIUS attaches particular importance to the qualification and further training of its emergency personnel, who are comprehensively trained by DASM Akademie (Deutsche Akademie für Sicherheits- und Managementausbildungen GmbH).
This ensures that our specialists are optimally trained to support and set up plant fire departments and company rescue services and continuously develop their skills.

Fire protection – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

CIBORIUS in action: Nationwide fire protection

Even in the remotest corners of Germany, CIBORIUS is ready to provide first-class fire protection solutions.
Our expertise in preventive and defensive fire protection, combined with a nationwide presence, secures your business premises.

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute!

Finden Sie heraus, wie wir gemeinsam das Wort Sicherheit neu definieren. Mit unserer professionellen Beratung erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten ein Sicherheitskonzept, das individuell an Sie angepasst ist. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!

Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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