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Preparing for certification: Define processes and certify 

Certification support: certificates for sustainable success

Structured processes and transparent procedures are the backbone of successful companies.
They ensure that business processes run efficiently and effectively and demonstrate to partners and customers that the company values quality and sustainability.
To ensure this, official certificates are essential.

Certification preparation – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Who offers certification preparation?

Certification preparation is offered by specialized consulting companies that have the necessary expertise and experience. These service providers offer customized training and consulting services for different industries and requirements.

What are the advantages of certification preparation?

Certification preparation offers benefits such as increased chances of successful certification, improved process quality, compliance with standards and regulations and increased competitiveness. It helps companies to achieve their goals efficiently.

What is meant by certification preparation?

Certification preparation includes training and consulting services that help companies meet the requirements for various certifications. This includes analyzing processes, implementing improvements and preparing for audits.

How does the certification preparation process work?

CIBORIUS is characterised by comprehensive certification preparation. In an in-depth analysis, we identify the exact requirements of your industry. We implement the necessary measures in a targeted manner and accompany you through the entire certification process. Our transparent communication ensures that you are always informed about progress and can actively participate in the process. Together, we create a solid basis for the success of your certification.

CIBORIUS supports you in obtaining your certification

Successful companies don’t just act on instinct and their processes are not based on the “whim of the day”.
On the contrary, every business process, every project management, every sustainable personnel management is based on a clear structure. There are certificates for these structures, defined processes and transparent procedures. Official certificates that allow your employees to work more efficiently and clearly show your partners and customers that you, as a modern company, place a high value on quality – as it should be.

Because we at CIBORIUS think and act in the same way, we know exactly what is important when obtaining certificates, what stumbling blocks could be waiting for you and how to implement preparation in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Range of services for certification preparation

  • Quality management (ISO 9001): Ensure that your processes and procedures comply with international quality management standards.
  • Environmental management (ISO 14001): Implementation of environmentally friendly practices and fulfillment of the requirements for environmentally conscious action.
  • Occupational health and safety management (ISO 45001): Establishing and improving safe and healthy working conditions for your employees.
  • Information security management (ISO 27001): Protecting sensitive data and ensuring information security in your company.
  • Energy management (ISO 50001): Optimization of energy consumption and implementation of energy-efficient measures.

We help you to obtain certificates.

Our team offers comprehensive consulting services for the preparation of certifications.
From our first meeting, we help you find the right solution.

Security consulting nationwide: Our branches

We offer our comprehensive range of security consulting services nationwide.
With branches in several cities, we are always close to you and can respond quickly and efficiently to your needs.

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«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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