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Robot dog SPOT

Surveillance robots: Automated security

Four-legged surveillance robot: With the Spot robot dog, you can be sure of maximum precision: We use it for access control, measurements on systems and patrols in security. And best of all, it gets better with every use thanks to big data analysis and AI algorithms. Its four-legged design ensures that it can move on almost any terrain. It has also been developed for hazardous areas: The robot can move around oil production sites and has even been used in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

Video: Security robot walks through Berlin

Four-legged safety robot for demanding applications

Robot dog Spot offers impressive off-road mobility and the ability to climb stairs effortlessly. Its robust construction allows it to navigate rough terrain safely, while being compact enough to be used indoors. This versatility makes it ideal for use in a variety of environments, from construction sites to industrial applications.

Spot is designed for both remote-controlled operations and fully autonomous missions. This enables him to react flexibly to changing requirements and to operate effectively in both highly structured and dynamic environments. With advanced sensors and a robust design, it ensures reliable performance and safety when performing complex tasks.

Thanks to its ability to navigate and steer precisely, Spot is able to make decisions and avoid obstacles in real time. Its autonomous intelligence (AI) is based on dynamic algorithms that continuously learn and adapt to new challenges.

Range of robot dog services

  • Effortless negotiation of steps and kerbs
  • Safe movement on different terrain
  • Robustness against radiation, extreme temperatures (-20°C to 45°C) and gases
  • Weight capacity of up to 14 kilograms
  • Ability to reach tight interior spaces and hard-to-reach areas
  • Ultra-bright LED light and high-resolution 360° all-round camera for optimum visibility
  • LiDAR scanner for precise light detection using electromagnetic waves
  • Continuous learning capability through dynamic algorithms
  • Active collision avoidance through fast reactions
  • Reliable impact protection and resistance to dust and rain
  • Efficient communication with the connected control center for immediate notifications

Video: Surveillance robot spot in Hamburg

Four-legged robot – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What challenges and limitations are there when using four-legged walking robots?

Despite their many advantages, there are also challenges and limitations when using four-legged walking robots. These include the high purchase costs, the need for regular maintenance and possible technical faults. In addition, extreme weather conditions or unforeseen obstacles can impair functionality. It is also important to consider legal and ethical issues, particularly in relation to data protection and interaction with people.

What technical features and capabilities do four-legged robots have?

Four-legged robots have advanced sensors, cameras and a powerful processing unit that enables them to analyze and react to their environment in real time. They are often equipped with GPS, LiDAR and infrared sensors to collect precise position data and environmental information. Many models have artificial intelligence that helps them to avoid obstacles, navigate autonomously and carry out complex tasks.

What advantages do four-legged walking robots offer compared to conventional monitoring methods?

Four-legged walking robots offer numerous advantages over conventional monitoring methods. They can operate in areas that are difficult to access or dangerous without endangering people. They are also operational around the clock and can be equipped with advanced sensors to collect detailed and precise data. Their mobility and flexibility enable efficient and effective monitoring and inspection.

What areas of application are there for four-legged security robots?

Four-legged security robots can be used in a variety of areas, including security and surveillance services, search and rescue missions, industrial inspections, military applications and as assistance robots in care facilities. Their ability to move in difficult or dangerous environments makes them particularly useful for tasks that are risky or inaccessible to humans.

What is a robot dog or a four-legged robot?

A robot dog or four-legged robot is a type of robot that moves on four legs and often mimics the behavior and movements of a dog. These robots are equipped with sensors, cameras and sometimes artificial intelligence to carry out complex tasks in different environments. They are used for applications in surveillance, rescue operations and as companions in various environments.

Our locations: nationwide deployment options

Thanks to our strategically located branches in Germany, we can offer you effective deployment options. These locations enable us to react quickly and flexibly to your specific requirements and offer you customized solutions. Whether it’s security monitoring, site analysis or other complex tasks, we have a local presence to provide you with optimum service and support.

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