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Theft protection from CIBORIUS Security

Theft protection: protect your possessions and material assets!

Consulting + concept + implementation: Protection of material assets and property nationwide

Modern theft protection is based on two pillars: personnel and technology.
CIBORIUS offers both – closely networked and with its own
Emergency call and service control center.
Unser Personal zeigt Präsenz mit klassischen Kontrollgängen und Einlasskontrollen.
Das schreckt ab und kann Diebstähle unmittelbar aufdecken.
Damit das Sicherheitsnetzwerk so engmaschig wie möglich greift, wird der Diebstahlschutz mit dem Einsatz hochmoderner Überwachungssysteme ergänzt.
Alle Überwachungssysteme laufen zusammen in unserer eigenen CIBORIUS Notruf- und Serviceleitstelle in Frankfurt am Main.
Sie regelt die simultane Überwachung von hunderten Standorten und koordiniert in einer 24/7 Bereitschaft unzählige Einsatzteams – deutschlandweit.

A safe team: technical monitoring + trained personnel

The employees we deploy meet strict requirements.
Thanks to your Training courses and experience, they reliably recognize suspicious persons and intervene discreetly.
This ensures that normal public traffic can take place undisturbed.

Our Doormen and detectives help to protect your belongings

The technology used by our specialist staff also complies with the current standards.
Our employees communicate with each other using the latest radio systems, in museums we work with tried-and-tested anti-theft devices for works of art and in retail stores, modern merchandise security systems ensure that theft attempts are prevented.

Our theft protection services

  • Tailor-made advice
  • Security personnel (doormen, detectives)
  • Investigation services
  • Video surveillance
  • Admission checks, bag checks

Would you like to find out more about theft protection?

Our team offers comprehensive consulting services for preventive and networked theft protection.

Efficiency in theft protection

If you are already using security systems on site, we will be happy to review the existing concept and, if necessary, suggest measures for optimization and modernization.
Our customers benefit from our theft protection in wholesale and retail, but also in industry and research – because protection against theft is essential for product and idea developers.

Flight safety – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What does CIBORIUS theft protection cover?

Our theft protection includes a wide range of measures, including video surveillance, access controls, security personnel, as well as individual advice and investigation services.

Our branches:

With permanent offices in major German cities and more than 100 locations, we provide top-quality services nationwide and offer you the expertise and support you need.

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute!

Finden Sie heraus, wie wir gemeinsam das Wort Sicherheit neu definieren. Mit unserer professionellen Beratung erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten ein Sicherheitskonzept, das individuell an Sie angepasst ist. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!

Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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