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Fence sensors from the CIBORIUS Group

Outdoor security: sensors, camera & radar systems

Perimeter security: Intelligent support for alarm and access systems

Added security: whenever it makes sense, the alarm and access systems can be supported by AI & robotics. Smart & networked, the robots work either in a team with human colleagues or completely autonomously. You can also call for help yourself if you need it.

Areas and properties can be secured in the best possible way if sophisticated technology supports monitoring and reporting. CIBORIUS offers perimeter protection using state-of-the-art cameras, radar systems and sensors. Fences with detection technology ensure that the outer skin is protected in the best possible way – in addition, any incident is automatically reported to the connected emergency call and service control center (NSL).

State-of-the-art sensors: uninvited guests are detected immediately

  • Tension wire systems reliably detect climbing over and penetrating your fence system
  • Optionally add cost-effective current loops to integrate external components
  • Laser and infrared sensors detect the penetration of boundaries over long distances
  • Acceleration sensors measure the mechanical forces acting on your fencing system
  • Microphone cable technology detects tampering with your fence system over a large area
  • Laser and infrared sensors detect the penetration of boundaries over long distances

Surveillance even in pitch darkness: swivel-mounted PTZ & infrared cameras capture & monitor every angle 24/7

  • Infrared cameras record at long distances and offer earlier analysis of the video material
  • Radar sensor systems detect the movements of potential hazards from a distance with pinpoint accuracy
  • Depending on the equipment, mobile camera towers capture everything within a 360-degree radius at any location
  • Pivoting cameras capture specific objects in combination with sensor technology, and the monitoring potential is nevertheless greater with the use of fewer cameras

Open-air protection – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Why should you choose the CIBORIUS Group as an expert in outdoor security?

CIBORIUS, as an expert in outdoor security, offers a comprehensive security solution with the latest technology and a high level of expertise. Here are some reasons for choosing CIBORIUS:

  1. Innovative technologies: CIBORIUS relies on innovative technologies such as AI, robotics, infrared cameras, radar systems and other sensors to ensure effective outdoor security.
  2. Proactive approach: CIBORIUS’ proactive approach enables early detection of dangerous situations and the implementation of preventive measures.
  3. Cross-industry experience: CIBORIUS has many years of experience in various industries and adapts its security solutions individually to the specific requirements of the customer.
  4. Certification culture: The company attaches great importance to certifications, which leads to constant quality standards and ensures continuous improvement.
  5. Transparent communication: CIBORIUS is characterized by transparent communication, both when analyzing security needs and throughout the entire certification process.
  6. High flexibility: CIBORIUS security solutions are flexible and can be adapted to changing requirements and conditions.
  7. Holistic support: CIBORIUS not only offers state-of-the-art technologies, but also holistic support, from the initial inspection to long-term support from experienced security experts.

The combination of these factors makes CIBORIUS a reliable partner for effective and tailor-made outdoor security.

What is the advantage of a networked security solution for perimeter security?

The advantage of a networked security solution for outdoor security lies in the holistic and efficient monitoring of the entire area. By integrating various technologies, such as cameras, radar systems and sensors, potential dangers can be identified at an early stage. The network enables rapid and automated response to incidents by transmitting information in real time to a central control center. This maximizes the security of the site and the coordinated cooperation of various security components results in comprehensive protection against unwanted intruders or dangers.

Which technologies are used in the field of outdoor security?

As always, CIBORIUS relies on innovative technologies:
AI & Robotics: Intelligent robots provide support autonomously or in a team
Sensors for fence systems: Tension wire systems detect crossing and penetration, laser and infrared sensors detect border crossings, acceleration sensors measure mechanical forces, microphone cable technology detects manipulation.
Monitoring with cameras, radar systems and sensors: Infrared and swiveling cameras for 24/7 surveillance, radar sensor systems detect movements with pinpoint accuracy, mobile camera towers for flexible application options, swiveling cameras detect targeted objects

Our locations: Experienced in securing open spaces

Perimeter security is a central component of CIBORIUS Security. With our extensive experience from hundreds of projects and a deep understanding of your needs, we are the ideal partner for your security. Contact us for a customized solution.

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