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Property protection of the CIBORIUS Group

Autonomous robot
for long distances

Patrol robots

Autonomous mobile robot: Efficient monitoring with wheel-driven robots

Your team on patrol: The wheel-driven robots are the enduring solution for intelligently monitoring areas – around the clock. These robots can also cover long distances, recharge themselves independently at stations and make their rounds reliably. Even in the dark, they detect anomalies thanks to the infrared and thermal imaging camera and report them reliably. The robot goes on patrol autonomously, also as part of a team thanks to AI algorithms and big data analysis.

Possible applications and functions of our patrol robots

Our wheel-driven robots offer unrivaled flexibility and efficiency for safety patrols and disinfection tasks. They are specially designed to carry out fully autonomous patrols along pre-programmed routes around the clock. Equipped with a sophisticated eye-level camera, they enable precise detection of people and faces at a distance of up to 30 meters, ensuring reliable surveillance.

In addition to safety monitoring, our robots also offer an innovative disinfection solution. By spraying hot mist, they can effectively disinfect surfaces, appliances and vehicles, which is particularly beneficial in hygienically demanding environments. Their ability to use and coordinate several robots in parallel optimizes operational flexibility and increases efficiency in various scenarios.

With robust off-road capabilities, including soft rubber tires and heavy-duty suspension, our robots can operate safely even in damaged roads and difficult conditions. Its versatile sensor technology, including infrared and thermal imaging cameras, ensures reliable performance in the dark, while communication via ONVIF video and the transmission of reports via modern networks such as 4G or WLAN enables seamless integration into existing security systems.

Range of patrol robot services

  • Fully autonomous patrols 24/7 along pre-programmed routes
  • Recognition of people and faces thanks to
  • intelligent video surveillance (camera at eye level),
  • Detection of people at a distance of up to 30 meters
  • Disinfection of surfaces, appliances and vehicles by spraying hot mist
  • Several robots can be used and coordinated in parallel
  • Video surveillance in 360-degree panoramic view, even over obstacles
  • Acoustic warnings and communication via intercom system
  • Sufficient off-road capability with soft rubber tires and high-performance suspension, even with road damage
  • Infrared and thermal imaging camera for detection in the dark
  • Recognizable photos of faces up to 100 meters away
  • Transmission of ONVIF videos and reports via 4G or WLAN networks
  • Can be used at temperatures from -25 °C to 45 °C
  • Reliable reporting to the connected control center

Would you like to find out more about patrol robots?

We will be happy to advise you on all aspects of surveillance robots and the use of CIBOTICS in your security concept.

Patrol robots – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What technologies are integrated in patrol robots?

Patrol robots are equipped with a variety of technologies, including high-resolution cameras for video surveillance, infrared and heat sensors for detecting people or animals in the dark, GPS for navigation and positioning, and wireless communication modules for real-time data transmission. Some models also have artificial intelligence to independently detect anomalies and initiate appropriate measures.

How safe are patrol robots in use?

Patrol robots are safe to use if they are used correctly and regularly maintained. They are equipped with various safety mechanisms, such as emergency stop switches and obstacle detection systems, to prevent collisions and accidents. In addition, they are usually programmed to sound the alarm or notify the relevant security forces immediately if a hazard is detected.

In which areas are patrol robots used?

Patrol robots are used in various areas, including industrial plants, airports, office buildings, shopping centers, military facilities and public places. They are used to monitor large areas, protect property and ensure security in sensitive or highly frequented areas.

What advantages do patrol robots offer compared to human security personnel?

Patrol robots offer several advantages over human security guards. They can work around the clock without breaks, are less prone to human error and can operate in dangerous or difficult to access areas. They are also cost-effective and can be equipped with advanced sensors that allow for more precise monitoring.

What are patrol robots and how do they work?

Patrol robots are autonomous or remote-controlled robots that are used to monitor and secure premises and buildings. They are equipped with sensors, cameras and sometimes even loudspeakers to detect movements, transmit videos in real time and issue acoustic warnings. These robots navigate independently or by remote control and are able to follow defined routes and react to irregularities.

Our locations: nationwide deployment options

Thanks to our strategically located branches in Germany, we can offer you effective deployment options. These locations enable us to react quickly and flexibly to your specific requirements and offer you customized solutions.

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Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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