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Tested quality
as standard

Quality is measurable

Importance of quality assurance: quality as the driving force behind our success

Our quality management system forms the backbone of our corporate philosophy. It not only ensures the quality of our services, but also drives continuous improvement. Through standardized processes and clear responsibilities, we ensure that we meet and even exceed the expectations of our customers, employees, partners and owners.

Quality assurance – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What role does employee training play in quality management?

Employee training is a central component of quality management. Well-trained employees understand the requirements and processes of the quality management system better and can contribute more effectively to maintaining and improving quality standards. Training promotes quality awareness, improves performance and ensures that all employees are up to date with best practices and standard requirements.

What costs are associated with ISO certification?

The costs for ISO certification vary depending on the size and complexity of the company, the number of locations and the scope of the certification. They usually include expenses for the implementation of the quality management system, training, internal audits and the fees of the external certification body. An exact cost estimate can be obtained through a consultation with an experienced quality management consultant.

How does the certification process for quality management systems work?

The certification process for quality management systems begins with an internal review and the implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the desired standard (e.g. ISO 9001). This is followed by an external audit by an accredited certification body, which checks the system for conformity. After a successful audit, the certificate is issued. Regular surveillance audits are necessary to maintain the certification.

What advantages does ISO certification offer a company?

ISO certifications offer numerous benefits, including improved process quality, higher customer satisfaction and access to new markets. They promote a systematic approach to process improvement and compliance with legal requirements. ISO certifications increase the trust of customers and business partners and help to minimize risks and increase operational efficiency.

Why are quality management and certifications important for companies?

Quality management and certifications are crucial for companies as they ensure that products and services meet the specified standards and customer requirements. Certifications such as ISO 9001 increase customer confidence, improve operational efficiency and reduce errors. A robust quality management system contributes to continuous improvement and competitiveness and facilitates access to new markets.

How does the “AMS – Systematic Occupational Health and Safety” certification help CIBORIUS customers to select a safe service provider?

The “AMS – Systematic Occupational Health and Safety” certification proves that CIBORIUS fulfils the highest standards in occupational health and safety. Customers can rest assured that they are working with a partner that prioritises the health and safety of its employees and therefore provides reliable services. The certification provides a reliable basis for selecting a service provider with the highest level of security expertise.

Trust through certification and Customer satisfaction

Security is first and foremost a matter of trust, but it can also be proven. CIBORIUS regularly has its companies certified, in accordance with the usual security standards of course, but also beyond. What is an empty phrase for others is our daily routine: we measure ourselves by the satisfaction of our clients. Thanks to our trusting customer relationships, we are delighted to receive regular customer orders – many of whom have been working with us for years and value our advice, our planning and our on-site security services.

Focal points

  • Internal stability and knowledge management: We maintain and disseminate internal know-how through uniform standards.
  • Continuous improvement: We continuously optimize our processes through regular communication and internal audits.
  • Management reviews: The management monitors and evaluates the development of our QM system and derives targeted measures for further development.

Strong references: Customers we support

Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

Features that
speak for themselves
speak for themselves

Your protection, our mission

Top qualified employees,
who know what they are doing!


Use of robots and
drones to avert danger.


Locations also near you.
Your protection is our mission.


Branches throughout Germany.
Because customer proximity counts!


Recognized certification
confirms first-class quality.


reliable partner to the security industry throughout Germany for many years.


Locations throughout Germany. We protect people, objects and values.


reliable partner to the security industry throughout Germany for many years.


Recognized certification
confirms first-class quality.


Monitoring operational readiness.
We are on duty around the clock.


Security services for physical security, guarding and alarm/response systems.


Use of robots and
drones to avert danger.

Fast response: emergency call & service control center

Our security guards at the control center (NSL) can respond to potential threats faster and more efficiently than ever before through advanced, AI-powered technology such as intelligent video analytics, preventing vandalism, theft and property damage – and the associated costs – before they occur.

More info

CIBORIUS emergency call and service control center

Our locations: At your side everywhere – nationwide

With over 1,500 dedicated employees, we are present throughout Germany to offer you holistic and integrated solutions – be it in the areas of security, security technology, facility services or training and further education.

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute!

Finden Sie heraus, wie wir gemeinsam das Wort Sicherheit neu definieren. Mit unserer professionellen Beratung erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten ein Sicherheitskonzept, das individuell an Sie angepasst ist. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!

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