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Property protection of the CIBORIUS Group

Perimeter protection with camera drone

Surveillance drone

Best overview thanks to bird’s eye view: quick alarm checks with our surveillance drones

Drone surveillance: Aerial surveillance with drones is an extremely effective security method. They patrol flexibly and frequently to quickly report intruders or suspicious activities. With intelligent video analysis, they secure evidence and can also serve as an early fire detection system thanks to thermal imaging cameras. When alarms are triggered by fence movement sensors, they immediately fly to the location and enable a direct live video evaluation of the situation.

Improve property security with fully automated drones

Our drones are designed to respond extremely quickly to alarms and to be on site in the shortest possible time. They enable precise preservation of evidence through high-resolution video recordings, which are used both for legal protection and for analyzing incidents. The integrated thermal imaging cameras make them an effective tool for early fire detection, especially in areas such as landfills or extensive storage facilities.

In addition, our drones use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to minimize false alarms and only report relevant events to the control centre. Their ability to monitor large areas efficiently and continuously from the air ensures that no area remains unmonitored. These features make them an indispensable component in the modern security infrastructure, providing a reliable security solution in both urban and rural areas.

Range of surveillance drone services

  • Extremely fast operational readiness on site
  • Securing evidence through video recording
  • Early fire detection using thermal imaging cameras
  • Reduction of false alarms thanks to artificial intelligence
  • Aerial surveillance of large areas (approx. 100 km/24 hours)
  • Detection of intruders by thermal imaging cameras even in poor visibility
  • Reliable reporting to the connected control center

Would you like to find out more about surveillance drones?

We will be happy to advise you on the subject of surveillance drones and the use of CIBOTICS in your security concept.

Surveillance drone – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What technical requirements and capabilities should a surveillance drone have?

A surveillance drone should have high-resolution cameras, stable flight controls and a reliable data transmission infrastructure. Important technical requirements include a long flight time, GPS navigation, obstacle avoidance systems and night vision capabilities. Other useful features include the integration of thermal imaging cameras, live streaming functionalities and the ability to operate in different weather conditions. Choosing the right drone depends on the specific surveillance requirements and operating conditions.

What legal aspects need to be considered when using surveillance drones?

When using surveillance drones, various legal aspects must be taken into account, including compliance with data protection regulations and obtaining the relevant permits. Many countries have specific regulations on drone use, including altitude restrictions, no-fly zones and pilot qualification requirements. It is important to familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations to avoid legal problems.

In which areas can surveillance drones be used?

Surveillance drones can be used in many areas, including industrial facilities, construction sites, agricultural areas, public events, critical infrastructure and border surveillance. They are also useful for rescue and search operations, environmental monitoring and disaster management. The flexibility and mobility of drones make them a valuable tool for a wide range of surveillance tasks.

What are the advantages of using surveillance drones?

The use of surveillance drones offers numerous advantages, including increased range and flexibility, the ability to monitor hard-to-reach areas and the provision of real-time data. They improve the response time to security incidents and reduce the need for physical presence in dangerous or remote locations. Drones can also be more cost-effective than traditional surveillance methods.

What is a surveillance drone?

A surveillance drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that has been specially developed for surveillance and security tasks. It is equipped with cameras, sensors and often also thermal imaging technology to capture and transmit real-time videos and images. Surveillance drones are used to monitor large areas, detect intruders and provide aerial images.

Our locations: nationwide deployment options

Thanks to our strategically located branches in Germany, we can offer you effective deployment options. These locations enable us to react quickly and flexibly to your specific requirements and offer you customized solutions.

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