Mobile intruder alarm system: Temporary protection for your property
Mobile intruder alarm systems: Fast and cost-effective security for your property
The mobile burglar alarm system is perfect for securing your property quickly and inexpensively. We secure commercial and private properties for our clients, often shell buildings in the interior construction phase and vacant buildings and office and business premises that are not or only rarely used. The innovative mobile monitoring technology is connected to the CIBORIUS’ own emergency call and service control center connected. State-of-the-art sensors provide reliable fire detection, motion detection, water damage detection and glass breakage – every anomaly is reported and checked around the clock and in real time.
At a glance: The advantages of a mobile intruder alarm system
- Low costs
- Flexible use
- Available at short notice
- Sharp directly after installation
- No construction measures that cause noise pollution
- No fixed installation
- Catalog of measures defined with you
- Direct connection
Mobile intruder alarm system – FAQ: Frequently asked questions
Can a mobile burglar alarm system be integrated with other security systems?
Yes, it can be integrated into a comprehensive security concept, for example with video surveillance and emergency call centers. Networking enables a holistic security solution.
For which locations is a mobile burglar alarm system best suited?
Mobile burglar alarm systems are ideal for temporary locations such as empty buildings, construction sites or rarely used rooms. Their flexibility allows them to adapt to the changing requirements of different locations.
What distinguishes a mobile burglar alarm system?
Mobile intruder alarm systems are flexible security solutions for temporary locations, with wireless technology and autonomous energy supply. They enable quick installation and can easily be used in different locations.
Our locations: Mobile intruder alarm systems are used throughout Germany
We will be happy to demonstrate how they work, their range of applications and their clear benefits during a consultation at our branches.
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