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Personal protection from the CIBORIUS Group

Document management: Secure solutions for documents, data and business mail

Consulting + concept + implementation: high security standards & smooth processes

Business and customer data is particularly sensitive data – and not just since the GDPR.
CIBORIUS offers efficient, standardized and secure document management to ensure that data is protected against theft and misuse at all times and that processes run smoothly.
This includes the processing, archiving, forwarding, transportation, professional disposal and deletion of sensitive files, documents, data and business mail.
CIBORIUS courier journeys are traceable for you at all times thanks to GPS monitoring and barcode and NFC-supported online guard monitoring system (OWKS).

Our professional document management protects sensitive data

The CIBORIUS security network guarantees careful handling of sensitive company data, naturally far beyond the legal requirements.
Our extremely high security standards are regularly audited internally and externally.
CIBORIUS is a certified
DIN ISO 9001 and DIN 77200 certified company.

Our document management services

  • Archive management
  • Handling files, data and documents of any kind
  • Confidential handling of data carriers
  • Courier trips and deliveries
  • Establishment of in-house post offices or postal services

Would you like to find out more about document management?

Document management is a matter of trust.
Talk to us!

Flight safety – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What data protection measures apply in the context of document management?

The CIBORIUS Group adheres strictly to data protection regulations, uses certified systems, encrypts data, relies on secure means of transport and thus guarantees the protection of sensitive information. Data protection is an integral part of our services and we guarantee the confidentiality of your data.

What are the advantages of archiving by the CIBORIUS Group?

We not only guarantee secure storage, but also structured access, quick retrieval and protection against unauthorised access or loss. Our archiving solutions are designed to make everyday work easier and fulfil compliance requirements.

How does the CIBORIUS Group support document management?

We offer comprehensive advice, create customised concepts and process, archive, transport and dispose of sensitive documents in accordance with the highest security standards. Our services enable efficient and secure document management, from creation to secure destruction.

Our branches:

With permanent offices in major German cities and more than 100 locations, we provide top-quality services nationwide and offer you the expertise and support you need.

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute!

Finden Sie heraus, wie wir gemeinsam das Wort Sicherheit neu definieren. Mit unserer professionellen Beratung erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten ein Sicherheitskonzept, das individuell an Sie angepasst ist. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!

Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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