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Contactless fever measurement from the CIBORIUS Group

Contactless fever measurement: control without fear of contact

Contactless method for up to 5 people at the same time

Especially in times of a pandemic, it is important to identify people with fever quickly. Because fever is one of the most common flu symptoms, such as COVID-19, CIBORIUS offers a modern and effective method for contactless fever measurement – with contactless fever measurement via camera for up to five people at the same time. It works quickly and is particularly necessary at potential hotspots – especially now that public life is continuing and large gatherings of people are once again the norm, e.g. in factories, at access controls in offices or at trade fair grounds, in stadiums, on public transport, at universities and schools.

Contactless fever measurement is particularly useful in places where the most vulnerable people live, such as nursing homes, old people’s homes and hospitals, as many illnesses manifest themselves through fever symptoms. A quick and efficient measurement can even save lives in case of doubt.

At a glance: Your advantages with contactless fever measurement

  • Precise fever measurement in real time
  • Measuring at a safe distance
  • Measuring without waiting time
  • Simple setup on site

Contactless fever measurement for safe distancing: CIBORIUS ensures preventive health protection

If fever is measured in the conventional way, it is not possible to maintain the safety distance of 1.5-2 meters. Contactless fever measurement from CIBORIUS maintains the necessary distance and prevents the risk of infection. The CIBORIUS contactless fever measurement system scans body temperature at a distance of just 2 meters. As up to five people are scanned at the same time, they also prevent long queues and crowds of people, which potentially increase the risk of infection.

Contactless fever measurement – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

How does contactless fever measurement work?

The contactless fever measurement is based on advanced infrared technologies that measure the infrared radiation of the skin and thus precisely determine the body temperature without direct skin contact.

Our locations: Experts in contactless fever measurement

CIBORIUS Security’s portfolio also includes special services such as technology-based contactless fever measurement. With our extensive experience from hundreds of projects and a deep understanding of your needs, we are the ideal partner for your security. Contact us for a customized solution.

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