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Property protection of the CIBORIUS Group

Personal protection: With security at your side

Personal protection: Security for special needs

Personal protection is a security measure that requires special experience and sensitivity, whether due to social status, prominence, political views or a conflict-laden environment.
As a rule, this service is only requested when there is an immediate potential danger.
At CIBORIUS, our officers specialize in effectively protecting you at all times and ensuring that you remain undisturbed.

Personal protection – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Which technologies support personal & escort protection?

Technologies such as GPS tracking, mobile communication systems, surveillance cameras and armored vehicles support the protection of persons and escorts. These technologies enable effective surveillance and a rapid response to threats.

Who provides personal & escort protection?

Personal security and escort services are provided by specialized security companies and trained security personnel. These specialists have the necessary knowledge and skills to professionally ensure the protection of people at risk.

Why is personal & escort protection important?

Personal and escort protection is important to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable people, to identify and prevent potential threats at an early stage and to create a safe environment for the protected persons.

What is personal & escort protection?

Personal and escort security comprises measures to protect people from threats and dangers. These include personal security escorts, risk analyses, protection concepts and the deployment of trained security personnel.

What distinguishes CIBORIUS from other personal protection providers?

CIBORIUS not only offers experienced and comprehensively trained experts, but also customised solutions, flexibility and a strong security concept. Instead of offering 08/15 security, we adapt and act in the best interests and for the benefit of the person under our protection. Close – individual – cooperation right from the start makes all the difference.

Tailor-made personal protection

When protecting threatened or endangered persons, it is important to master the balancing act between proximity and freedom of movement.
CIBORIUS works with you to develop a concept tailored to your needs.
We assess the risk and instruct the personnel either to act discreetly in the background or to show a strong presence.
You can use the personal security service for a one-off event or over a longer period of time.

Range of personal protection services

  • Prudent risk analysis
  • Flexibly coordinated measures to protect the person
  • Well-trained, experienced and loyal staff
  • Regular or one-off transportation services
  • Personal protection as required and with the least possible disruption to privacy and freedom of movement
  • Travel and tour accompaniment
  • Protection of athletes stationary or on tour

Would you like to find out more about personal protection?

Our team offers comprehensive and non-binding advice on the subject of personal and escort protection.

Security in the best hands: Tailor-made personal protection and exclusive driving services

At CIBORIUS, your security is our top priority.
We offer tailor-made solutions for your personal protection – whether for long-term security arrangements or special occasions.
Our highly qualified security staff are characterized by absolute loyalty, many years of experience and the utmost discretion.
When it comes to your own safety or the safety of loved ones, you should leave nothing to chance.

On request, our customers benefit from a fleet of armored and elegant vehicles.
We are also happy to take over the driving services for you.
Our drivers are tried and tested and regularly undergo special driving safety training.

Personal protection: Germany-wide availability

No matter where you are in Germany – at CIBORIUS we are always at your disposal.
Our customized security solutions and exclusive driving services are available nationwide.

Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute!

Finden Sie heraus, wie wir gemeinsam das Wort Sicherheit neu definieren. Mit unserer professionellen Beratung erhalten Sie in wenigen Schritten ein Sicherheitskonzept, das individuell an Sie angepasst ist. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!

Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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