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Reception services of the CIBORIUS Group

Optimization of your communication

Postal and telephone services

Efficient and cost-saving: outsourcing your mailroom and telephone services

With our many years of experience in supporting mailrooms and taking over telephone communication for companies, we focus on know-how, flexibility and efficiency.
Our aim is to optimize and simplify our clients’ processes with tailor-made solutions and a trained, service-oriented team.

Modern companies no longer need to invest in their own extensive infrastructure.
Outsourcing can save considerable costs without sacrificing efficiency and reliability.
We understand the challenges companies face and offer you a reliable partnership.
Our focus is on improving your processes and saving you time and resources so that you can concentrate on your core business.

Comprehensive services for telephone & mail management

We take care of all telephone and postal services for you, including the internal and external distribution of incoming mail and support for the switchboard.
Our employees are friendly, competent and have undergone professional training to ensure a well-groomed appearance and professional demeanor.
A positive first impression with your customers is particularly important to us.
Please note that we differ from call centers – these offer specialized services.

We are always available to provide you with individual advice on the type and scope of our services.
You can make full or partial use of our services as required.

Range of reception services

  • Internal and external mail distribution
  • Telephone services
  • Telephone exchange
  • Messenger/courier services
  • Process optimization & automation
  • Internal logistics

Would you like to find out more about our postal and telephone services?

We provide you with professional and non-binding advice on all aspects of mailroom and telephone services. Talk to us.

Post & telephone services – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of outsourcing mail & telephone services and relying on external specialists?

Outsourcing mail & telephone services offers numerous advantages:

  1. Cost efficiency: By outsourcing, companies can save costs for personnel, training and infrastructure. External service providers often offer flexible price structures that can be adapted to actual requirements.
  2. Professional processing: External specialists have the necessary experience and expertise to handle mail and telephone services efficiently and professionally. This ensures a high standard of quality and reliable processing.
  3. Focus on core competencies: Companies can concentrate on their core competencies, while external service providers take over the administrative tasks. This increases the company’s productivity and efficiency.
  4. Scalability: External service providers can flexibly adapt their services to the company’s needs. This is particularly advantageous in the event of seasonal fluctuations or company growth, as no additional internal resources need to be built up.
  5. Technological advantages: External service providers often use state-of-the-art technology and software solutions to make mail and telephone services efficient. This leads to improved communication and processing speed.

By outsourcing these services, companies can not only save costs, but also improve their service quality and focus on their strategic goals.

Who offers mail & telephone services?

Mail & telephone services are provided by specialized service providers or internal departments within the company. These specialists have the necessary expertise and equipment to ensure a professional and efficient service. The employees of service providers integrate seamlessly into the company processes on site.

What tasks do mail & telephone services perform?

Mail & telephone services perform tasks such as receiving and distributing mail, handling incoming and outgoing calls, forwarding messages and organizing courier services. They ensure efficient and reliable communication.

Why are mail & telephone services important?

Mail & telephone services are important to ensure efficient communication and information processing. They support the smooth running of business processes and contribute to customer and employee satisfaction.

What are postal & telephone services?

Mail & telephone services include services relating to the administration and processing of incoming and outgoing mail and the handling of telephone calls. They contribute to smooth communication and organization within the company.

What special security precautions apply to the handling of confidential information at CIBORIUS?

Our employees undergo rigorous training in data protection, and modern technologies secure confidential conversations to ensure the highest security standards. Encrypted communication channels and access controls reliably protect confidential information.

The highest security standards are maintained by trained personnel, encrypted communication and special protocols. Our in-house solutions guarantee the protection of confidential information directly on your premises.

Nationwide presence: Reliable mailroom and telephone service management

As your partner for mailroom and telephone service management, we are represented nationwide to offer you reliable services throughout the country.
Our branches are strategically located to ensure optimum coverage and fast response times.

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Andreas Richter - CIBORIUS Qualitätsmanagement

«Wir gehen in Sachen Qualität über bloße Versprechungen hinaus. Regelmäßige Zertifizierungen belegen unsere fortlaufende Kompetenz und geben Ihnen klare Nachweise unserer Expertise.»

Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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