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NSL of the CIBORIUS Group

Remote video surveillance: state-of-the-art technology for reliable 24/7 security

Perfect security thanks to the intelligent combination of trained staff and the latest video technology.

Nothing can replace human security – but it can complement it. With the combination of security personnel and CIBORIUS remote video surveillance, we ensure virtually seamless surveillance seven days a week and around the clock. This enables us to react as quickly as possible if a crime is about to be committed in your building or on your premises. If the remote video surveillance system reports a suspicious case, this is sent in real time to CIBORIUS’ own Emergency call and service control center. The trained eyes of our staff then react immediately in accordance with the action plan previously defined with our customers.

Our services in the field of remote video surveillance

  • 24-hour monitoring of your systems and buildings
  • Safety monitoring is carried out seamlessly
  • Less risk and more safety for your employees – even in places with poor visibility
  • Measures are already initiated at the moment of suspicion
  • Better location and identification of offenders
  • Video connection to the respective location possible in order to address suspicious persons directly (perpetrators addressed by a sound output device on the camera on site)

Increase efficiency: cost control with remote video surveillance

Remote video surveillance can help to reduce costs thanks to the “digital tour”. It is particularly popular with logistics customers and in industry, because where technology can be used, staff can be freed up elsewhere. In addition, remote monitoring also gives on-site staff a good feeling – for example, to help with video escorting to less frequented areas, parking lots or underground garages.

What happens in the event of suspicion

Thanks to the live connection from the emergency call and service control centre to the video towers and the intelligent control centre software LISA, attacks, damage and unauthorized intrusion on company premises, in public facilities or on private property can be detected quickly and often even prevented. One example: if a burglar alarm signal is received by the NSL, action is taken at lightning speed: Security personnel on site or mobile security make their way to the source of the alarm, check the cause of the alarm and intervene if necessary. Of course, the customer is also informed and, if necessary, the fire department and police are called for assistance.

Remote video surveillance – FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Who offers remote video surveillance?

Remote video surveillance is offered by specialized security companies that have the necessary technology and trained personnel. It goes without saying that a certified, modern and perfectly integrated emergency call and service control center is of crucial importance. These service providers offer customized solutions for various requirements and areas of application.

What are the advantages of remote video surveillance?

Remote video surveillance offers advantages such as continuous monitoring, rapid response options, deterrence of criminals and the possibility of preserving evidence. It enables seamless monitoring and rapid alerting of the emergency services.

Why is remote video surveillance important?

Remote video surveillance is important for ensuring the security of buildings and facilities around the clock, detecting potential threats at an early stage and responding quickly to security incidents. It offers a cost-efficient and effective security solution.

What is remote video surveillance?

Remote video surveillance refers to the monitoring of objects or areas by cameras that transmit the recordings in real time to a central monitoring station. This technology makes it possible to intervene remotely and respond quickly to security incidents.

Are there data protection guidelines in connection with remote video surveillance?

CIBORIUS strictly observes data protection guidelines and ensures that video surveillance complies with the applicable data protection regulations. The privacy of our customers and employees is our top priority and we naturally also comply with the customer’s specific regulations.

In many cases, CIBORIUS provides customers with secure access to the video recordings to ensure transparency. Authorised persons can access the recordings at any time via encrypted platforms.

Our locations: Initial consultations directly on site

Thanks to our certified, ultra-modern security systems and a team of security experts, we can provide reliable remote video surveillance for your property. You are welcome to hold initial discussions about your project directly at one of our branches.

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Andreas Richter Qualitätsmanagement | Projektmanager bei CIBORIUS

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