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Medical & fire protection training: Qualified preparation for emergencies and fire protection situations

Our high-quality training content includes first aid training, fire safety and evacuation assistant qualifications, as well as basic and advanced courses for company paramedics in cooperation with partners of the DASM Academy. We also offer training in first aid with defibrillators and advanced training courses for company paramedics. The practice-oriented training courses aim to provide participants with the best possible qualifications for medical emergencies and fire protection situations.

Medical qualification of the CIBORIUS Group
Certified quality

As a certified training company, the DASM Academy assumes responsibility within the framework of the

usiness approach, all training and further education courses of this type. You can find all details on the training courses for medicine & fire protection



Medicine & fire protection – CIBORIUS relies on practical training with DASM

The CIBORIUS Group focuses on high-quality medical and fire safety training in an effort to improve the health and safety of its employees in the long term. The German Academy for Safety and Management Training conducts practical training courses, including first aid training, fire safety and evacuation assistant training and company paramedic courses, also in cooperation with the BCW. These training courses not only contribute to the qualification of safety employees, but also effectively ensure health and safety in the workplace.

The training content includes, among other things:

  • First aid training: Here, participants receive in-depth knowledge of first aid so that they can act appropriately in an emergency.
  • Fire protection and evacuation assistants: The training focuses on prevention and measures in fire protection as well as the organization of evacuations.
  • Company paramedic basic and advanced course: In cooperation with BCW, the basics and advanced aspects of company paramedic training are taught.
  • First aid training with defibrillator: The training covers life-saving measures, including the use of defibrillators.
  • Advanced training course for company paramedics: Advanced topics for company paramedics are covered to ensure continuous qualification.

The CIBORIUS Group emphasizes practical training for optimal preparation for medical emergencies and fire protection scenarios. Cooperation with qualified partners guarantees the highest training quality and sustainable skills development.

FAQ – Qualification Medicine & Fire Protection: Frequently asked questions

What topics are covered in medical & fire safety qualifications?

Medical & Fire Safety qualifications include first aid, emergency management, fire safety measures, evacuation plans, firefighting techniques and the use of fire extinguishers. These training courses provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills.

Who offers modern qualifications in medicine & fire protection?

Qualification in medicine & fire safety is offered by specialized training providers and educational institutions. These professionals come from suitable industries, are certified fire safety assistants, members of the fire department, medical professionals or paramedics etc. and have the necessary expertise and experience to provide effective and practical training.

What role does sustainable training play in productivity and in the context of employer branding?

Companies that take care of the well-being and health of their employees strengthen their employer brand and attract qualified specialists. Sustainable training is therefore an important component of a positive corporate reputation. Well-trained employees are healthier, more motivated and more productive. Training courses that focus on health and sustainability promote a healthy working environment and thus help to improve performance.

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