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Emergency call & service control center (NSL): heart & brain of integral security solutions

NSL of the CIBORIUS Group

The CIBORIUS Group’s NSL serves as a central hub, a state-of-the-art control center where all messages converge and decisions are made: certified, technically up-to-date and staffed by experienced personnel

Certified quality

State-of-the-art & VDS-certified: In-house alarm & monitoring center

This is where everything comes together: In our own CIBORIUS emergency call and service control center (NSL), emergency call, fire, fault and burglary reports are processed around the clock, seven days a week.

To make the CIBORIUS security network even more efficient and close-knit, we decided to set up the important emergency call and service control center hub ourselves in 2017. Today, our ultra-modern and professional communication center with highly trained personnel takes care of automatically triggered alarm signals from security technology and incoming messages from security experts & detectives from all over Germany.

CIBOTICS, with their mobile autonomous and AI-supported security robots, send messages to the CIBORIUS NSL for analysis, reaction and documentation, as do all Watchdome video towers.

At a glance: Advantages of our company-owned and 24/7 manned emergency call and service control center

  • Round-the-clock monitoring seven days a week
  • Effective processing of locations throughout Germany
  • Experienced cooperation with the police and fire department
  • Specially trained intervention staff
  • Receipt and processing of fault reports, fire alarms, emergency call reports, burglar alarms and other incidents
  • Strict alarm and intervention plan
  • Complete logging of incidents and measures
  • Complete control of messages and projects

CIBORIUS employees receive reports and calls and intervene according to the action plan that we have agreed with our customers in advance. Video activation is also possible, thanks to which unauthorized or suspicious persons can be addressed directly. This can also lead to a potential crime being foiled. The NSL also secures evidence and prepares it so that it can be used in court.

CIBORIUS employees are NSL specialists who have been trained by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH. This helps them to react confidently and calmly in tense situations. CIBORIUS relies on state-of-the-art monitoring technology. Of course, our robotics and other supporting intelligent security systems such as drones and video surveillance towers are also connected to the NSL and are already reliably reporting suspicious cases.

Satisfied customers

Our locations: State-of-the-art technology + fastest response times = CIBORIUS NSL

If you are interested in the possibilities of our certified NSL, it is best to visit a branch directly or use our contact options.

FAQ – Emergency call & service control center: Frequently asked questions

What is an emergency call and service control centre?

An emergency call and service control centre (NSL) is a state-of-the-art facility that is staffed around the clock and serves as a central point of contact for security issues. The NSL not only receives emergency calls, but also monitors all security systems, coordinates alarms and provides comprehensive support in security-relevant situations.

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