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THW Federal Youth Camp

30. June 2019

CIBORIUS is awarded the contract to secure the “17. THW Federal Youth Camp”

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) has the extensive security mandate for the “17. THW Federal Youth Camp” was awarded to CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH, a company of the CIBORIUS Group.

More than 4,000 participants come together for eight days to spend their free time together. Excursions, sports tournaments, workshops and visits are organized.

The highlight, however, is the THW youth national competition. A youth group from each of the 16 federal states competes in this competition.

This year the federal youth camp will take place from July 27th to August 3rd, 2019 in Rudolstadt, Thuringia

Further information on thecurrent federal youth camp

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