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Quarter 04/2018

12. March 2019

Independent training made possible

The further training of our own managers by our training officer as well as by external lecturers and certification bodies opens up new opportunities for us. The CIBORIUS Group now has its own trainers who can train first aiders, company paramedics, fire safety assistants and evacuation personnel, among others.

Investments were also made in state-of-the-art training equipment. Fire trainers, equipment for first aid – company paramedics and other equipment are available for practical training.

Own academy to provide training

In 2019, training courses for first aiders, company paramedics, fire safety assistants, evacuation personnel and many other courses are to be offered internally and externally on the market at the company’s own academy.

CIBORIUS sponsors the well-known “Christmas Goose Dinner for the Homeless” in Frankfurt’s Römer

For the 3rd time in a row, CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Frankfurt am Main GmbH is donating its efforts to secure the “Christmas Goose Dinner for the Homeless” campaign in Frankfurt’s Römer to the Bernd Reisig “helfen-helfen” foundation. This year, the roast goose was once again served by a number of VIPs, such as Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann, Uschi Glas and Sonja Kraus.

Press release:

Celebrities serve the homeless in Frankfurt
VIPs serve roast goose for the homeless

New customers move out:

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Berlin GmbH

    • State Office for Refugee Affairs l several facilities
    • FFIRE Service GmbH
    • Mohawk Holdings S. A. R. L.

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Frankfurt am Main GmbH

    • Hessian Court of Audit Darmstadt
    • Consulate General of Spain
    • SAALBAU operating company | Order expansion
    • Deutsche Bahn l Rhine-Main operating area
    • Waste management Lahn-Fulda
    • Parking garage operating company | contract extension
    • RTO

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Mannheim GmbH

    • Federal Employment Agency | several locations in Baden Württemberg
    • Deutsche Bahn | Baden application area
    • MWS project company

CIBORIUS Security & Service Solutions Stuttgart GmbH

    • Böblingen District Office | Order extension

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