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Mobile CIBOTICS Patrol Service

28. May 2024

Mobile CIBOTICS Patrol Service

The deployment of mobile security teams at various locations and areas is now standard in the field of security services.
However, when it comes to large areas and complex structures, conventional patrol services reach their limits.
Human employees on site cannot be everywhere at the same time and are limited to their human perception.

CIBORIUS takes this fact into account and is taking a new approach with its CIBOTICS concept goes one step further and sets new standards.
Being innovative means developing further and exceeding standards.
The modern Mobile CIBOTICS Patrol Service utilizes the synergies of many years of experience, trained specialist personnel and state-of-the-art robot technology.

Advantages of the CIBOTICS Patrol Service

  • Efficiency: Security robots can be used to support security personnel in order to control and protect huge areas faster, in parallel and across the board.
  • Safety: CIBOTICS can be used in confusing and potentially dangerous areas without putting security personnel in danger and can easily negotiate ramps, stairs and obstacles.
  • More possibilities: The robots are equipped with a variety of sensors that not only recognize people, but are also effective in early fire detection.
  • Rapid response: security guards, security robots and the emergency call and service control center are permanently networked and can access real-time data.
    Problems are detected more quickly and alarms are responded to at lightning speed.
  • Cost control: CIBOTICS solutions are sustainable, cost-saving and scalable, without compromising on quality.
Precise and tireless use of safety robots
New application possibilities through intelligent concepts

The use of such solutions opens up completely new application possibilities and expands existing concepts in a meaningful way.
For example, suitably equipped robots at a recycling center can also be used for early fire detection in addition to perimeter protection.

Thanks to CIBOTICS, robots on power plant sites can detect potential problem areas, unauthorized persons and anything worth reporting from a great distance, even at night.
If danger is imminent, the mobile colleague can be sent out without endangering the security personnel.

In confined, fully automated production facilities, chemical plants and environmentally contaminated zones, legitimate health concerns and potential risks are no longer an obstacle to carrying out the necessary safety checks.

Emergency call and service control center
The use of artificial intelligence in data analysis and image evaluation gives decision-makers both in the NSL and on site valuable seconds to react appropriately on the basis of processed real-time data.

Smarter, safer, more efficient – a reorganization of district services!

The days when patrol services merely detected criminal incidents without responding appropriately are over.
With the Mobile CIBOTICS Patrol Service, CIBORIUS offers a proactive security solution around the clock at an attractive price-performance ratio.

CIBORIUS is the first provider in Germany to redefine the security of the future.

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