Berliner Ensemble – Together with the BKA, CIBORIUS secures the award ceremony for the “Ambassadors for Democracy and Tolerance”
On 23 May 2023, an important event took place at the renowned Berliner Ensemble – the ceremony to present the award to the “Ambassadors for Democracy and Tolerance”. This prestigious event was organised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education which aims to promote an understanding of political issues and strengthen democratic awareness.
Organising and ensuring the smooth running of the event was a challenging task, which was masterfully fulfilled by CIBORIUS and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). The security aspects of this event were of the utmost importance, as it attracted not only senior officials and public figures, but also a large number of invited guests.
The security precautions for high-ranking guests such as Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser required special attention. However, it was not only these celebrities who were taken care of, but also all the other invited guests to ensure the overall safety of the event.
CIBORIUS Security & Service Berlin GmbH, a company of the CIBORIUS Group, was in charge of implementing the security-related measures. They put together a team of professionals, both men and women, who were responsible for the thorough entry checks. These highly qualified security experts also controlled the VIP entrance, secured all emergency exits and controlled individual doors, including those of the Federal President, to ensure full security.
The event, which benefited from the expertise of the CIBORIUS Group’s trained specialists, was a complete success. She showed how effective security management can help ensure that an event runs smoothly and safely, and that all participants can concentrate on what is really important – promoting democracy and tolerance.
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