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Blackout and the end? – A fail-safe concept brings light into the darkness

8. December 2022

In recent years, companies around the world have had to contend with difficulties on an unprecedented scale. The refugee crisis, coronavirus pandemic, global supply bottlenecks, energy crisis, etc. have probably not left anyone unscathed and have made it necessary to prepare for potential emergencies today.

A blackout, i.e. the collapse of the power supply and with it all means of communication, logistics chains, centrally controlled supply and technically organized modern life as we know it, is potentially one of the worst scenarios. If it occurs and hits your company unprepared, you lose your ability to act. Don’t let it get that far, we’ll tell you how!

Individual + scalable + agile + tested = Blackout concepts from CIBORIUS

Our consultants take one thing above all: enough time! Time to deal with the special requirements of your company, time to thoroughly analyze your infrastructure, identify potential weak points and time to develop a stable solution in close cooperation with your specialist staff.

The recommendations of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance are taken into account as well as our experience and findings from supporting companies in the KRITIS sectors: energy supply, transport/traffic, hazardous substances, administration, finance/insurance, IT/telecommunications.

The experts at CIBORIUS offer you comprehensive solution concepts with the following services:

    • Consulting including your company divisions or interfaces to telecommunications, logistics, security, data protection
    • Awareness training for core staff to detect the first signs of blackouts and potential failures at an early stage
    • Risk and crisis management training for your technical experts, department heads / decision-makers
    • Designing and integrating the technical basis for your fail-safe, autonomous power supply
    • Provision of suitable hardware and software to maintain the most important communication channels
    • Establish a crisis communication plan with clear rules on who is informed when, how and about what.
    • Guarantee your security by incorporating mobile cluster solutions for alarm-based or permanent monitoring and integration with the CIBORIUS emergency call and service control center (NSL)
    • Provision of security staff in the event of an alarm / on call
    • Recommendations for effective behavior in the event of a crisis such as a blackout.

In addition, we regularly carry out risk assessments adapted to the current threat situation. Penetration & stress tests through. The aim here is to determine how efficient and reliable the existing measures are and where improvements are still needed. In addition, your crisis managers will have the opportunity to act under almost real conditions and gain valuable experience.

Secure your competitive advantage in times of crisis

The past few months have shown how important it is to think preventively and focus on maintaining your own ability to act. Don’t wait any longer, take action and be well prepared to face potential risks from now on!

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