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3G at the workplace | CIBORIUS with its own test app

23. November 2021

With the new Infection Protection Act, the 3G rule will apply in the workplace from next Wednesday, 24 November 2021!

Employees must now prove that they have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative before entering the workplace.

CIBORIUS has taken precautions and developed its own app application for its employees.

All employees of the CIBORIUS Group can continue to use the antigen lay tests that CIBORIUS provides free of charge.

With the specially developed CIBORIUSCorona app , employees can register themselves and anonymously present proof of their test result, which was carried out under the supervision of specialist personnel using a lay test, via a verified QR code – the proof is valid everywhere and officially.

The CIBORIUS Corona web app supports the creation and management of proofs and certificates of Covid-19 tests or corona tests.

CIBORIUSFacility Services GmbH – a CIBORIUS Group company – also uses the app for the test stations with its medical staff for professional PoC rapid tests or PCR tests for itself and its customers.

#3G #CIBORIUSCoronaApp #Tested #Covid #Corona #teststation #certificate

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