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Quarter 2/2015

Quarter 2/2015

New structuring and establishment of a specialist department Since December 2014, the CIBORIUS SÜD branch has been managing initial reception centers and refugee accommodation, for example for the Gießen regional council and the Hessian real estate management. Due to...
Quarter 2/2015

CIBORIUS relies on more transparency towards customers

New guard control system technology since March 1st, 2015 Since March 1, 2015, CIBORIUS has been using the new guard control system technology “real-time guard control systems” for all of its customers. The tours are evaluated in real time; GPS location data is...
Quarter 2/2015

Quarter 1/2015

A challenging start to 2015 The CIBORIUS branches NORD and MITTE will be able to demonstrate their services and know-how to 2 important new customers at the beginning of 2015! The Stadtwerke Erfurt (SWE) commissions the CIBORIUS MITTE branch to carry out security...
Quarter 2/2015

Thank you for 2014

Thank you for 2014 The entire CIBORIUS GROUP would like to thank its customers for an interesting, successful 2014 and wishes a healthy and relaxing start to 2015! The management would like to personally thank all employees for such a strong year in 2014. Keep it up...
Quarter 2/2015

Quarter 4/2014

CIBORIUS SÜD branch reacts and is awarded the contract CIBORIUS has once again proven that a well-developed concept, structured processes and organized logistics make short-term deployment possible! The Giessen regional council commissions the CIBORIUS SÜD branch to...
Quarter 2/2015

Quarter 3/2014

Sales structure shows success The restructuring in sales is already showing results. Cooperation with existing customers was expanded at all locations and new customers were acquired. The cooperation with SPARDA BANK Hessen eG was extended to cover the whole of Hesse...