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Quarter 4/2015

2. December 2015

New branches

A new branch office is opened in Mannheim due to rapid customer growth in the SOUTH branch, including orders from the state of Baden-Württemberg. A further branch will open in Stuttgart in 2016. This will become our head office for Baden-Württemberg.
Thanks to these two new branches, customers can be served even more effectively on site.

Expansion of the range of services

We have expanded our range of services following an inquiry from the state of Baden-Württemberg as to whether CIBORIUS could offer operator services for 4 needs-oriented initial reception facilities (BEA) for refugees at short notice. As an experienced security service provider, CIBORIUS has agreed to work at several facilities throughout Germany and, from October 2015, will be the operator with over 750 employees in social services, security services and cleaning services on site in 4 facilities!

New customers move out:


    • Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science Berlin – Facility for unaccompanied refugee minors


    • State of Baden-Württemberg
    • Wohnheim GmbH, a company of ABG Frankfurt Holding
    • Volkswagen Group Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, A company of Volkswagen AG
    • City of Darmstadt, Office for Social Affairs and Prevention Management
    • City of Mannheim, Real Estate Management | Jobcenter Mannheim
    • City of Mannheim, Real Estate Management | Refugee Accommodation

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