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Our philosophy

All companies in the CIBORIUS Group follow the same guiding principle: they work innovatively, on an equal footing with their customers and with safety and reliability. Our aim is to always find the best possible solution, together with our customers. We encourage and challenge our employees to follow this path consistently. We focus on the best possible training and further education – externally and with our own academy.

Philosophy of the CIBORIUS Group

And in order to offer our customers the best, we are constantly optimizing our processes. We strictly adhere to these processes and regularly put them to the test. Flat hierarchies allow every employee to contribute their own ideas and initiate improvements. Each proposal is reviewed by our Quality management and – where appropriate – will be taken into account in future adjustments. This motivates us, makes our processes more flexible and our employees a little better every day.

Certified quality

CIBORIUS philosophy: Questions and answers (FAQ)

How is the corporate philosophy communicated?

The corporate philosophy is communicated through internal and external communication channels such as employee handbooks, company websites, training courses and meetings. Clear and transparent communication is crucial for anchoring the philosophy in the company.

What elements does the corporate philosophy include

A corporate philosophy comprises elements such as the company’s vision, mission, values, ethical principles and guiding principles. These elements set the direction and form the basis for daily action.

Why is a clear philosophy important for a company?

A clear corporate philosophy is important because it provides orientation and meaning, shapes the identity of the company and strengthens the trust of customers, employees and business partners. It supports consistent and authentic corporate management.

What is a corporate philosophy?

The corporate philosophy comprises the fundamental values, beliefs and principles that guide a company’s actions and decisions. It forms the basis for the corporate culture and strategic direction.

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