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We support the THW with their aid in the disaster area

1. September 2021

Our Managing Director of CIBORIUS Facility Services GmbH, Ingo Henke, released for the coordination team

Due to the heavy rainfall in south-west Germany, the situation is still tense even after several days of operation. The main states affected are Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia. A total of around 5,800 THW personnel from all regional organisations are deployed at the emergency sites in the damage area.

One of these THW volunteers is our Managing Director Ingo Henke. He is currently coordinating the deployment of the ENT Aftercare Teams (ENT) in the state-wide Situation and Coordination Staff (LuK-Stab) in Mainz, which are available for the psychosocial aftercare of the helpers in this very stressful deployment.

The THW is well prepared for large-scale operations following this special incident thanks to the specialised training of its emergency services and continuous investment in modern equipment. But also thanks to the willingness of the many employers, such as the CIBORIUS Group, to release their employees from work to cope with the deployment.

The THW is the federal disaster control authority. The structure of the THW is unique worldwide: as a federal agency, the THW is organisationally part of the portfolio of the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community. However, only two per cent of employees work full-time for the authority. 98 per cent of THW members work in the organisation on a voluntary basis.

#thw #NRW #RLPF #support #civil protection

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