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CIBORIUS relies on ECO

25. January 2022


Every CIBORIUS customer receives such a certificate and is also entered in a CIBORIUS ECORegister. This allows participating companies to show their customers that they are fully committed to climate protection and sustainability when it comes to safety.

CIBORIUS relies on ECO

The CIBORIUS Group, which operates throughout Germany, is committed to the consistent further development of digital service and security solutions. CIBORIUS offers its customers from industry, banking, trade and the public sector customized concepts for maximum security and energy efficiency. The security specialist relies on a combination of intelligent robot systems, qualified personnel and individual advice. The demonstrable savings and sustainability gains achieved are documented by CIBORIUS with a verified ECO certificate.

Digitalization reduces CO2

The declared aim is to make all work processes energy-efficient, CO2-neutral and therefore sustainable.

More and more companies from industry, trade and the public sector are aligning their products and services to ecological standards. The declared aim is to make all work processes energy-efficient, CO2-neutral and therefore sustainable.

This not only protects people and nature, but also your wallet. The focus here is on both direct production costs and overheads. Security expenses are a decisive factor in overheads. In Germany alone, over 9 billion euros are spent annually on protecting objects, systems and people.

Digitalization saves energy and reduces Co2

The digital transformation is an important lever for sustainable business. According to the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), around three quarters of all companies in Germany are working on the implementation of digitalization projects. Most of these projects are initiated on the basis of customer requirements. The customer’s desire for efficiency and sustainability plays a decisive role here. The demand is particularly loud in the manufacturing industry. Such a request comes as little surprise when you know that the savings potential through digitalization is enormous.

A study recently conducted by the consulting firm Accenture concludes that digital technologies can contribute a full 58% to Germany’s 2030 climate target. This contribution corresponds to an annual saving of 151 million tons of CO2. For comparison: In 2020, a total of 644 million tons of CO2 were produced in Germany despite economic losses due to coronavirus.

Robot systems increase efficiency and accuracy

Innovation leaders in the security industry have recognized the potential and are supporting their customers on the path to greater sustainability. Two important success factors are innovative technologies and smart processes. The use of intelligent and networked robot systems increases the efficiency and accuracy of work processes. This saves resources and minimizes the error rate, which in turn avoids costly errors and corrections. In addition, robots always remain on site and do not consume any energy when they are not in use.

Security and service personnel, on the other hand, have to commute to work every day and often require energy-intensive equipment such as vehicles, heated outposts or floodlights.

Limitless all-rounders

Equipped with high-resolution camera technology, lidar and low-light imaging, robots perform their tasks with extreme precision even in the dark and in bad weather. They operate in a temperature range from -25 to +55 degrees Celsius and can detect people at a distance of up to 100 meters. The excellent measurement and detection capabilities of a patrol or inspection robot make it possible to monitor several risk factors simultaneously and send the data to the control center in real time. Any problems that arise are detected immediately and environmentally harmful incidents are avoided.

The holistic and cross-border use of all security-relevant information from video surveillance, access control, alarm and fire protection systems increases the security of the overall system.

Economical electric cars with a big impact

The robots and control systems used are becoming increasingly economical. Thanks to efficient and high-precision micromotors, servo components and control systems, modern robots require little power and can easily operate for several hours at a time. When their work is not required, they automatically return to their charging station and are always ready for the next job. Whether all-terrain walking robots, wheeled patrol robots, autonomous surveillance drones or charming reception robots: there is a suitable solution for every need.

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