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CIBORIUS guards vaccination centres

15. December 2020

The long-awaited coronavirus vaccines are available and are about to be authorised in Germany. In an unprecedented campaign, the federal and state governments are providing several hundred vaccination centres to vaccinate millions of people against COVID-19. The states of Hesse and Baden-Württemberg have now found a strong partner for this logistical challenge: CIBORIUS SECURITY & SERVICE SOLUTIONS.

CIBORIUS controls vaccination centres with its own security concept

CIBORIUS takes care of both access control and guarding the vaccination centres against unauthorised access. And, above all, guarding the vaccine itself. The requirements are high: some of the vaccination centres are located in sports halls and exhibition halls, others in empty shopping centres, for some warehouses or congress centres and town halls are converted. In addition, handling large numbers of people in a comparatively confined space is a particular challenge during the pandemic. Andreas CIBORIUS, owner and partner of the group, explains: “As with every order, we carried out a detailed safety analysis and developed our own safety concepts – for each vaccination centre individually.”

Use of certified personnel with training in infection protection

Part of the safety concept is a separate hygiene concept for the vaccination centres and for the first 50 employees. All of them have undergone special training in infection protection. Andreas CIBORIUS: “Of course, the protection of our employees is paramount. Since March of this year, we have gained a lot of experience in how security measures work well and safely during a pandemic. Of course, that helps us a lot now.” The mission also includes protecting the coveted vaccines. The work of CIBORIUS is therefore under particular scrutiny. CIBORIUS: “We are proud of the trust placed in our performance. We are now looking forward to working in and around the vaccination centres. Because we are helping to bring a bit of normality back into all of our lives.”

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