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A sure success – CIBORIUS protected the Deutsche Bundesbank’s Info Days

18. October 2022

Protecting high-risk events is always a challenge. On 17. and On September 18, the Deutsche Bundesbank hosted information days at its headquarters, in the financial metropolis of Frankfurt am Main and at its Berlin branch to discuss the future of finance. Organizer and topic were equally allowed to act as sensitive and potentially foreseeable disruptions or risks therefore had to be consistently excluded from the outset.

A A well thought-out concept, developed in close coordination between the customer’s security experts, i.e. the Bundesbank, and CIBORIUS specialists, guaranteed a stable basis and allowed the planning of technical and personnel resources. This showed once again how important it is for modern security service providers to have a Sustainable personnel policy to operate without bottlenecks Employees nationwide and at parallel events to be provided.

To protect the information days, the CIBORIUS project team used over 50, already in the run-up safety-checked, skilled workers in. At events like this, when trade visitors mingle with curious visitors, crowds can form in stage areas and prominent financial experts / business representatives speak on public stages, it is important to involve employees who can respond to your requests in case of doubt. Experience and sustainable training knowledge can fall back on.

Friendly & competent, attentive but unobtrusive, it was the men and women “in the background” who, through their presence and preventative work, made the Info Days what they should be: a relaxed, entertaining and safe event for all visitors.

Put your trust in the CIBORIUS Group’s competence and expert knowledge for your events and talk to us.

We are there for you: nationwide + at any time!

#bundesbank #ciborius #security #event protection #frankfurt #berlin

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